Before covering the transition plan for IU's Google Analytics, we need to review some definitions. There are a lot of acronyms used in this space and it's important to understand what each of these mean.
Definitions and terms
Google Analytics Versions
Univeral Analytics and Google Analytics 4 (described below) are versions of Google Analytics. Think of them as software releases—Google continually improves the way the product works.
Universal Analytics
Universal Analytics (UA) is the version of Google Analytics we're using currently that is in the process of being phased out.
Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the new version of Google Analytics. It has more advanced features than UA.
Google Analytics Plans
Google Analytics Standard and Google Analytics 360 (described below) are plans, free and paid.
Google Analytics Standard
Google Analytics Standard is Google's free plan. The free plan was available in UA and is also available in GA4.
Google Analytics 360
Google Analytics 360 (GA360) is Google's paid plan. GA360 was available in UA and is also available in GA4. IU has many of our websites on this paid plan.
Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a Google product that works with Google Analytics. GTM allows site owners to deploy data layer elements across a site. While GTM is not undergoing changes like Google Analytics, there are some implications in GTM to ensure it works with websites that move over to GA4.
Pathways for migration
There are three paths you may follow depending on the type of website you have and whether you're already in GA360 or not.